30 September 2006

Linda - Lyn's first rescue

Linda was laying in the middle of the busy inner ring road near Payap Uni, when Lyn stopped to pick her up. Linda was laying motionless and did not cry in pain when moved.

Lyn took her to a local vet who said that she was suffering with road accident internal injuries and needed to rest. The next day I collected her and took her to the shelter. Today I took her to another vet and found the following.

  1. Slight fever - Cefelexin 5cc 2xday 1 month
  2. Sarcoptic mange - Ivomec .2cc 1xweek x 1xmonth
  3. Tumours on teats - wait
  4. Ulcerations of both eyes - Polyoph 2 drops 3xday
  5. Fungal infections in both ears - Otomax gel 2xday
  6. Severe bruising in the hip and stomache - observe
  7. Teeth that seemed to stick out forwards and too many for the space available- poor thing
Dominique - A small lump on her neck, possibly as a result of a bite or injection. No treatment necessary.

Oliang - Black quiet female with an injured front left paw. Amoxicilin & Ibruprofen together with Rest & Relaxation. I feel for her, she has such sad eyes.

Gina - The rescued pregnant mum from Wat Doi Kam. She has vaginitis and a nasal discharge too. Vet said this poor health condition was possibly why so many of her pups died. A new course of antibiotics.

Gina's baby, weak, diahorea & runny nose. Give pink antibiotic 1cc 2xday & feed every 3 hrs. No more than 15cc per time as this could cause fluid on lungs.

27 September 2006

Hannah - Must find this dog a home

Leena 4th jab, mass reduced in size.

Uwen 5th jab, mass now gone, treatment finished.

Yim, owner had not given any of the medication prescribed 3 weeks ago, packet still sealed. Eyes and ears still the same, in fact eye lids now bleeding. Clean eye and apply 2 drops of Tobrex 3xday. Cefelexin 5cc 2xday. Preniselone 5mg half tab 2xday for 2 weeks. Vit E 400mg 1xday - for eyes!! For the ears, clean and 2 drops Dexeryl 2xday. Take back to shelter until improved.

Lucky, URTI / Kennel Cough , dermatitis possible caused by poor health. Needs separating. Give cefolexin syrup 2cc 2xday.

Hannah. This gentle young girl was hit by a car and lost the use of her back legs. One was amputated, the other extremely weak. She moves around the shelter by running on her front legs and dragging her rear behind her. Its still raining here, the ground is dirty and she is a sorry state.

Ears causing head shaking, stump and back leg are bleeding. Vet recommended 2 drops dexeryl each ear twice a day and a good clean. Stump to be cleaned daily with hydrogen peroxide /sterile water 50/50 then flushed with providene/betadine, followed by Solcoseryl gel in the wound and then bandage. Cefolexin 250 grm 2xday 2 weeks

Duchess -
Lovely natured girl with front claws growing excessively long nails. Main problem is that she has suffered nerve damage to her rear end and constantly drips urine or could be classed as incontinent. Therefore her hips are constantly wet from where she lays or sits & drips. Vet recommended Neurobian/Vit B complex for life to improve.

26 September 2006

Rama IX Park with Nola

Met NuDee, a short legged dog with a willy that nearly touched the ground.

TvT – large cauliflower on the base of his penis. 1st Jab today and a course of 6 paid for by Winifred. Also had an ear infection and sarcoptic mange. Winifred wanted to treat the mange gently and used a spray instead of Ivomec.

Nola bought some Gai Yang from the park vendor to reward him for getting in the transport cage. Little monkey, wouldn't eat it until he got back after the treatment.

Kh Chom at Wiang Kum Kam, called to me about Arn, a dog that had been run over in the village. Vet said to keep still and give cefolexin 2xday and pain relief. The screams from him when I lifted him into the car were like a horror movie scream. I was very upset for him.

(Arn disappeared the following week (yeah right!) the owner said he just walked off and never came back.)

21 September 2006

Poor Gina - Down hill from here

Gina + 6 ( 2 died) Nasal and eye discharge and black diahorea , low imunity, low temperatures.
Gina has blood in her vulva still and needs daily cleaning. Has Vaginitis

Fe, in heat, although she had been sterilised in July this year. No treatment, just be aware of males in her area.

Uwen 4th jab. Weight 17.45 kilo size same as last week.

Leena 3rd jab Weight 14.7 kilo. Size reduced from last week.

15 September 2006

A very sad day

BuunLai suffering with blood in poo and green in colour. Vet recommended to change antibiotics for 3 days and then swap back again.

Long, a village dog believed to have chagas. Very weak and now not able to poo by himself, needing to have it squeezed out daily or else it would rot inside. He had a tumour on his testes and wounds on his feet were gangrenous.

After consulting with the owner, it was felt better for Long to be Euthanized.

Keera, a black cocker spaniel with Dry Eye problem, that were full of gunk after a day and also fungal infection in her ears. Schema test on tears proved under 3, should be 15. Must be cleaned every 12 hours and cream applied. This will be a long term treatment, something that will not just clear up & get better.

Lady, recently gave birth to 9 babies and she was not producing milk and appearing lethargic. Vet recommended to give baby food to her to build health.

All babies put on Amoxicillin syrup .1cc and fed every 3 hours

14 September 2006

Meeting friends

Leena 2nd TvT jab, slight weight loss, mass inside still same size.

Uwun 3rd TvT jab 17.5 kilo, mass inside now 1cm, reduced by half.

Phuk, village dog with open wounds that seem not to be healing. Soft tissue tumour and getting worse. On legs from laying down, on belly from wound after jumping fence. Advised to wear collar and continue Augmentine. Flush left side wound with hydrogen peroxide as it is septic.

Mira, puppy rescued from boys playing football with her in Crematorium. Suffered internal injuries to her diaphragm (diaphragmatic hernia) Today is suffering from breathing heavy, signs of cold and vomiting. Respiratory tract infection, separate from others.

Fluffy (skinny black fluffy mess ) Lice eggs on hair, anaemia - yellow gums and skin, sarcoptic mange. Frontline, Ivomec 1xweek, cefolexin & vit b daily. Medicated shower weekly.

Met up with Nola, another volunteer and met Winifred for the first time. Found out that there are in fact 5 different 7-11 stores in Huay Keaw road and Winifred was waiting at the last one!! She wanted to rescue Sua Suay, a hairless black dog who lived in the street near her home. Vet diagnosed advanced sarcoptic mange and suggested 1,000 mg fish oil 400mg Vit E for black dry skin, Ivomectine for at least 2 months .5cc per week and shower with Amitraz. Took him to shelter along with a donation from Winifred.

13 September 2006

My first rescue

Vistited Wiang Kum Kam yesterday and returned today to see a dog I saw laying at the side of the road covered in blood. Found BuunLai and a barber (Kh Chom) who had been feeding him for the past year or so. Took BuunLai to vet and tested positive for Demodec mange. Very little hair on body, very smelly and lots of open wounds and running blood. Returned to shelter.

1cc Ivomec after meal every day and 500 mg cefolexin 2xday.Anti histamine Hydroxyzine HCI
10 mg 2xday. Cover open wounds with NEGASAN to stop flies laying eggs. Shower 1xweek

12 September 2006

Baan Mar kap Maew

Hope & Pat for sterilisation. Dropped them off in the morning, picked thenm up in the evening

8 September 2006

Uwen means Fat in Thai

Uwen, TvT 2nd jab. Put on half kilo 17.8.

Mimi, being kept isolated as worried about distemper still. More anti biotics

Goldie, left cheek abscess squeeze daily and continue with cefolexin 3.5cc 2xday & premisolone anti inflammatory quarter of 5mg tablet 2xday

Leow, village dog of family that recently lost many dogs due to deliberate poisoning. Complete blood count + liver & kidney checked. Disease = Hepatozoonosis from eating ticks with this parasite / problem.

7 September 2006

Thursday vet run

Mimi, weak and no strength, weeping eye. Worried this was Distemper but vet said not. Higher grade antibiotic recommended and vit B.

Hope, given the name after being saved from being sent to the meat market. Swollen nose, worried this might be another case of Chagas but negative. Vet recommended anti-inflammatory. Also to use Banocin, a yellow powder to clog blood and stop flys laying eggs.

Leena, bloody vulva. TvT, 1st jab. Tested positive for sarcoptic for mange. .5cc per day Ivomectin.

Goldie, another daughter of Chiro, with abscess on cheek. Vet recommended flush out with same as Gigi last week.

Char, village dog, received Bevoni jab for chagas last month, now TvT , 1st jab given

5 September 2006

One hot dog

Gulab, fever of 108 !! bathed in ice for 30 mins and given endrofloxocin & pain killer. Seems she could be suffering from an infection after sterilisation last Thursday.

3 September 2006

On a Sunday

Gigi 2 months , daughter of Chiro, bite on left cheek from Mimi.

Flush out with Hydroperoxide 50/50 sterile water solution and Betadine 50/50 sterile water daily. Solcoseryl Jelly to be put inside wound. Shave hair and keep covered. Give cefolexin syrup 3cc 2 x day 1/52

Update on DukTik, lively and bright today, poo normal.

2 September 2006

Recording more info now!

Yim, the scruffy red eyed and very dirty eared Jack Russell look alike, part of Uwuns family from Wiang Dong. The owner said straight away that she could not afford any treatment and was very worried because Uwuns treatment was already going to be his eyes and drops for his ears too. She cleaned them and found the left ear was the real problem. Vet gave me Amoxicillin for a week, 2 tabs twice a day.

Bell, feet inflamed and fungal infection on skin around bottom. Owner wanted to know if she was pregnant. Fungal cream Ketoclonazole recommended for longterm use.

Maroi, another village dog. Left eye developed a red swelling 2 days ago, after rabies jab & bath. Owner was worried and wanted it checked. Vet said that the dog would go blind as this was early signs of Glaucoma and the dog was possibly diabetic too. Ticks removed from ears
(A few days after this, the dog mysteriously went missing and was believed poisoned)

TukDik, cute little black and speckled white puppy suffering with diahorea. Vet gave antibiotic jab and wanted to see again next day

1 September 2006

My second vet trip

Mimi a skinny little girl who had previously had Distemper and had become angry & antagonistic to other dogs following her treatment. Vet said to sedate her and encourage her to socialise. (- Didn't implement the sedation but tried to socialise her more. It worked )

Noi Noi, having her 3rd weekly jab for TvT ( Transmissible Venereal Tumour) and bring along next week for 4th.

Chrissy( daughter of Noi Noi ) hair/skin problem around eye. Negative result for mange, vet said to observe and just treat with providene.

Ouen ( 1st TvT jab ) This is a village dog, from a house in the village near the shelter. She shares her home with another dog called Yim. More of him later.