27 January 2007

Weekly feed at Wat Doi Kam

This is amazing. Been trying to get Kam to take food from my hand since starting these feeds 2 months ago without any sucess what so ever.

I have been sceming about how I could catch her and get her sterilised.

Horror ! Today she walks up to me and literally jumps into my arms. Her teats are enlarged and her tummy too. Her mood is friendly and she is definately pregnant.

The rest of the pack are here and enjoying the quieter times after Royal Flora.

23 January 2007

11 to the Vet today

Misha is now bleeding for last 2 weeks and we assume she is on heat. Yep, sure enough, the vet tested her bleeding discharge to confirm it.

The vet also said that blood check should be done on Misha for Liver & Kidney functions and Xray to further assess the severity / stage of the Heartworm problem. Then due to her age, there might be an increased risk of adverse reaction ( death) and we would need to weight all the facts up to decide if we should proceed. Hey Dr, why not sit on the fence?!

Had Bailey & Naiomi (dumped Wat Vivek 1 week ago) with me, suffering with a cough. Lungs sounded ok and no fever.

Also had Brian, Bobby & Bianco, 3 short legged brown puppy's dumped at Wat Vivek 2 weeks ago. All 3 were suffering with thick green mucus from the nose and quite weak. Their lungs were rattling and the vet suggested they should be seperated.

Fe's lost 1 puppy now, Tonka, and the others are much the same. Tommy Boy is still ok.

19 January 2007

Weekly feed at Wat Doi Kam

Brrrrrrr the cold is making the mornings hard for the dogs here and I really wish I could come every day.

I arrived at 8am and it is well after 9 before any of the pack arrive out of the forest.

The litter around the dusty car park is now sickening to see. For the past few weeks I have been taking a black sack home with me for the regular rubbish collections there. Today I take a large polystyrene box and 2 dumped colostomy bags as well.

11 January 2007

Fe's Puppy's go down hill

Took Jack along for a further heck on his willy, to see if the TvT has gone away yet, so we can start with his Heartworm treatment. The vet said the floral growth was as small as it was likely to get ( just like NuDee) and we should start the Asprin treatment asap in preparation for the injections.

Also with me was an adult called Anny who according to Kh Yom, had green poo. Well, the vet couldn't find anything wrong with her and suggested we just observe for a few days.

Next was a puppy dumped at a temple, Judy, she has watery lungs, lethargic, slightly hard pads but no fever.

Then there were Fe's 6 puppy's. Today as I put them on the vets inspection table, I named them for the first time. Tinker,Tonka,Tommy Boy,Tabby,Tammy & of course Tayler.

After a systematic check of their faeces and lungs, the vet diagnosed half of them with Distemper. They had a combination of watery lungs, temperature, diarrhea all except Tommy Boy. He was the strongest.

The vet explained to me that the 4 signs of Distemper to watch for were:

  1. Cough & then water on the lungs
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Lethargy
  4. and then after about a week, Hardpad

Learning all the time.

10 January 2007

Meeting Volunteers

This morning I had the great priveledge of meeting new folks that were keen to volunteer. Firstly I met Teresa & Nok, who turned up at the same time as Lindsay. I tried scareing them all away, by showing them the dirty work, the noisey characters and the sad faces on the long term staying dogs. But nope, they were hooked! They all said they would like to help and needed to know how and when.

Then I went into Chiang Mai, to a coffee shop where I had agreed to meet with a girl, another new volunteer. I sat outside, displaying my doggy paper work and looked around to see if there was anyone that might resemble her. After 10 mins, I had seen only one girl enter and she had ignored me. so I went inside, ordered another coffee ( poor me eh) and sat inside.

After another 5 mins of watching this girl read a magazine, I went to her and said, "My name is Ally, I am supposed to meet a girl called *****se here, is that you?" 'Yeah' she said.

I was already thinking I should leave, I gave her the benefit of doubt and talked to her about the work we do. She said 'Yeah' at each thing I said and at times, pre-empting my last words with an extra 'Yeah' too. So I paid for my coffee and left. What a shame and I really wonder what she had in mind.

Ok, next!

9 January 2007


Duchess is not eating and lethargic for 2 days. Her breathing is laboured. Vet diagnosed Distemper using a 'Snap Test' kit.

This is seriously bad news. Duchess has been with many other dogs and if she has this disease, which others have too ? She will now need to be isolated and we need to watch all the signs carefully of other dogs.

Lam also came to the vet today as her eye was swollen. Seems she had a fight & was suffering from a doggy black eye!

4 January 2007

It's all bad from here on in!

Took Jack along for a VD check today. Yes the TvT is still there but no more shots as he has had his course of injections and we are waiting for the last remnant of the floral growth to disappear. Vet said that it was possible for some small scar type tissue to remain.

Brought along 3 dumped puppy's from a local temple. Vet diagnosed Pneumonia and prescribed antibiotics and cough suppressant.

Also with me today are Fe's 6 puppy's. No bacteria today but worms instead. (Were the bacteria the larvae of worms? Need to find out) These pups are now 5 weeks old.