6 February 2007


After my visit 2 days ago, I couldn't stop thinking about BuunLai. His back is almost the same as it was last September when I first met him. I took him to the vet for tests and they said his back was bleeding due to him scratching from the irritation of fleas. The vet added that due to the long term suffering of Mange, BuunLai's skin was now brittle ( like rice paper ) and must be moisturised.

So today BuunLai starts Antibiotic & Anti itch meds and I will spray him with Frontline.

I feel for this dog. He has such a lovely character and is just existing day to day in the ruins of the old city at Wiang Kum Kam, occasionally getting a tit-bit from a passer by or some love from the hairdresser and some food that I have given to him for BuunLai. I just wish I had more space and give him a home near to me.

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