TvT is curable with Vincristine
Currently we have 7 cases under our care for Transmissible Venereal Tumour (TvT) and we are achieving very good results.
Today I was able to bring 6 dogs to the vet clinic, "Baan Ma kap Maew", unfortunately the 7th dog, Phuky, is continuing to evade the needle and the family where she stays, are not appearing to take things seriously. More of that later...
Daeng came to the vet today for a final check up on her tumour and Dr Arunrat advised that there was no more treatment necessary. She had received her last jab 2 weeks ago and the tumour has shrunk externally & internally to just a tiny wart type lesion. However, the minor complaint of dirty & slightly infected ears still needs some attention (must remember to buy more cotton buds) and we could consider sterilisation next week.
Buun "not happy being kept in a cage... or happy about anything really" Kao also came along for her final check too. Good news, 'Gap Baan, set laow' the vet said so we will take her back home a.s.a.p as her tumour is now gone and she is fully recovered from sterilisation.
The little village dog Lai received her 4th jab today. No sign of the puss we noticed 2 weeks ago, so the antibiotics seem to have done the trick. Her tumour is looking a lot better but still needs another visit next week to assess if more Chemotherapy is required.
And the dynamic duo of Pauline & Nam Pueng (Honey in Thai) are also recovered from their tumours and can now stop the weekly trips. The vet said we should observe their health and then we could consider sterilisation. Pauline's leg tumour looked amazing when the vet removed the dressing. It seems the daily application of antiseptic cream, to help stop the gauze from becoming part of the wound, had been good advice.
Last but not least, Lucy, the little terrier picked up at a temple, with the now deceased Max, 2 weeks ago, who has Heartworm and TvT was weighed, only to find she is even lighter than last week. Like Phuky, we are still waiting to start the course of treatment. Oh well, she enjoyed the car journey though the Songkran celebrations and a change of scenery.
Just as I was departing the clinic, Dr Arunrat asked me to look at a dog laying in a cage at the rear of their practice. She told me about BuunRod being hit by a car a couple of days ago, being brought to the clinic by some Thai folks and then cared for by the clinic staff. This dog had no home to go to and wondered if Care for Dogs could help with her recuperation. BuunRod (Survivor in Thai) has a pelvic fracture & rear right leg fracture. She also has tested positive for Heartworm & Ecanis.
So what could I do.... my heart told me straight away that there was only one option. We will continue her antibiotics & liver supplements back at the shelter and also get her on some regular meals & allow her to relax rather than stress it out on the street.
As for Phuky, this poor creature has a growth on her vulva about the size of a saucer and looks like fresh minced pork. Flies are all around her and she has her tail down to keep the flies away, as well as reflect her mood. She is thin and her blood is just about recovering an acceptable level of platelets after some R&R at the shelter but then back home as she was so stressed out & home sick! As on other occasions when I have been to the house, its the picture of poor village life we see so often here. Phuky is not their highest priority, in fact she is no priority at all. She features in their conscience because she exists in their home but as for giving her any special treatment at this time to help her, no..... she will be lucky to get through this.
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