15 March 2007

Venereal Disease & Sterilisation

BuunKeow & Daeng are visiting the vet today for their weekly check on the treatment of Venereal Disease (TvT). Daeng last week didn't get another jab as her liver is suffering from the effects of the Chemotherapy. Despite only having 2 injections so far, the improvement is amazing. The vet advised he would not inject this week either and to continue the liver improvement tablets and see her again next week.

(Before - 4 weeks ago)

BuunKeow on the other hand is as fat as ever, eating well and looking healthy and not showing signs of reaction to the treatment. She got her 4th jab today and the vet thinks that next week might be the last one.

NongLai, BuunLai's partner and SongDar (dumped this week at Wat Vivek & picked up by Karin during her weekly feed session on Wednesday)are along today for sterilisation.

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